Successful Asia Pacific Regional Forum 2024


We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of Parker Russell International’s Asian Pacific Forum Meeting, held on June 27th and 28th in Bali, Jakarta. The event saw substantial attendance and facilitated insightful discussions and strategic initiatives that will propel our network forward.

Key Highlights:

ISQM1 Implementation:
We engaged in comprehensive discussions on the latest standards and best practices for ISQM1 implementation, reinforcing our unwavering commitment to excellence in quality management.

Client Retention and Referral Strategies:
Participants exchanged valuable insights on enhancing client retention and optimizing referral strategies within the Parker Russell International network. We explored potential client referrals by leveraging our existing client base, aiming to maximize our collective growth and success.

New Service Line of ESG:
We delved into the new service line of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) services, discussing how it will be integrated and operationalised within our network. This initiative underscores our dedication to sustainability and responsible business practices.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all attendees for their active participation and invaluable contributions. Special thanks to our gracious hosts, Parker Russell Indonesia particularly managing partner, Yuni Nur Ikasari SE. Ak. CA. CPA. CPI. , among others. Your dedication and hospitality were instrumental in making this event a resounding success.

Together, we continue to drive innovation, excellence, and growth within Parker Russell International. We look forward to implementing the strategies discussed and achieving new milestones in the coming year.


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